Mentoring Opportunities with Outreachy

Mentoring Opportunities with Outreachy

Author(s): Jen Wokaty

Affiliation(s): Bioconductor Community Coordinator with Outreachy

Bioconductor's commitment to building a diverse and welcoming open source community makes it a great environment for newcomers to participate in open source software. In 2022, the Bioconductor community was accepted to participate in Outreachy, which provides internships for individuals impacted by bias and underrepresentation in technology. In Bioconductor's first cohort, two community members mentored interns on the BSgenomeForge and Sweave2Rmd projects. Three projects are participating in Bioconductor's second cohort with Outreachy. Prospective mentors from within the Bioconductor community are invited to participate in future rounds with Outreachy by proposing to mentor an open source project. This talk will discuss how prospective mentors can propose an open source or open science project, prepare for the contribution period, and have a successful mentorship.