Simplify your BSgenome workflow: Creating BSgenome Data Packages With BSgenomeForge

Simplify your BSgenome workflow: Creating BSgenome Data Packages With BSgenomeForge

Author(s): Atuhurira Kirabo Kakopo

BSgenome is a Bioconductor package that is used primarily to 'forge', or create BSgenome data packages. BSgenome data packages have many real world applications, such as studying the COVID-19 genomic sequence. However, the current process of forging a BSgenome data package is quite long and confusing, with a few redundant processes like creating a seed file before calling the `forgeBSgenomeDataPkg` function on the seed file to create the package. The BSgenomeForge package simplifies the whole process of forging a BSgenome data package, by allowing the user to use one function to create the package at once, saving time and making the process much less confusing and error-prone to less experienced users.